Submission Guidelines
- The paper must be an original work and has not been previously accepted in a journal or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- All papers must conform to the Conference Proceedings standard. Please follow the Proceedings Template (Download proceedings template HERE)
- Abstract must be between 200 to 250 words only.
- Title of the paper must not exceed twelve (12) words.
- Each paper should contain: Introduction, Problem Statement, Research Questions, Purpose of Study, Research Methods, Findings, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any) and References.
- The paper must be written in English with a minimum of 5000 words and a maximum of 7000 words including an abstract, references, table, figures and appendices.
- Abstract and paper (in Microsoft Word format) must be sent through OpenConf Peer Review and Management System.
All submitted full papers will go through a double-blind review process. After a thorough review, accepted papers of UUMILC2023 will be considered for publication in the e-proceedings by an open access international publisher.